basedev=reserve.sys arguments switch format example description ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------------------------- /IO: /IO:x,x /IO:340,4 Reserve IO ports. First number is base port in HEX, followed by length (number of ports) in hex. /P: same as /IO: /MEM: /MEM:x,x /MEM:CA00,1000 Reserve Memory. First number is base memory address (HEX), with the assumption that the address is XXXX:0, followed by the length (number of address) in hex. /DMA: /DMA:x /DMA:2 Reserve DMA Channel. Number is decimal. /IRQ: /IRQ:x /IRQ:13 Reserve IRQ. Number is decimal. /EXC /EXC /EXC Exclusive resource attribute /MUL /MUL /MUL Multiplexed resource attribute /SHA /SHA /SHA Shared resource attribute /GY /GY /GY Grant Yield resource attribute /DW: /DW:x /DW:10 Decode width of IO address. Valid numbers are 10 and 16. Only valid with /IO: switch. Note: more than one resource attribute per resource entry is an error and not allowed. If no attributes or decode width is set, the default is EXCLUSIVE and 16. Example: Want to reserve IRQ 13 EXCLUSIVE, DMA 0 SHARED, MEMORY CA00:0 for 1000 bytes shared, IO ports 340 for 10 ports EXCLUSIVE and decode width 16, and IO ports 300 for 64 ports Grant Yield, with a decode width of 10: BASEDEV=RESOURCE.SYS /IRQ:13 /DMA:0 /SHA /MEM:CA00,3E8 /SHA /IO:340,A /IO:300,100 /GY /DW:10