File index of WIN_FDN: Miscellaneous page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 30-07-2017 5293 Kb. 7
ZOC V7.15.2 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem
and ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
(x86/x64).  Outstanding user interface, solid
VT102/VT220 and Zmodem, lots of options, fast
screen output and scrollback buffer, scoll back
and log viewer, REXX scripting, named pipes and
countless other features. 
52 20-08-2017 5293 Kb. 8
ZOC V7.15.3 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem
and ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
(x86/x64).  Outstanding user interface, solid
VT102/VT220 and Zmodem, lots of options, fast
screen output and scrollback buffer, scoll back
and log viewer, REXX scripting, named pipes and
countless other features. 
53 18-09-2017 5297 Kb. 8
ZOC V7.15.4 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem
and ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
(x86/x64).  Outstanding user interface, solid
VT102/VT220 and Zmodem, lots of options, fast
screen output and scrollback buffer, scoll back
and log viewer, REXX scripting, named pipes and
countless other features. 
54 28-10-2017 5304 Kb. 9
ZOC 7.15.6 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem
and ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
(x86/x64).  Outstanding user interface, solid
VT102/VT220 and Zmodem, lots of options, fast
screen output and scrollback buffer, scoll back
and log viewer, REXX scripting, named pipes and
countless other features. 
55 27-11-2017 5302 Kb. 11
ZOC 7.16.1 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem
and ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
(x86/x64).  Outstanding user interface, solid
VT102/VT220 and Zmodem, lots of options, fast
screen output and scrollback buffer, scoll back
and log viewer, REXX scripting, named pipes and
countless other features. 
56 28-12-2017 5306 Kb. 13
ZOC V7.16.3 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem
and ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
(x86/x64).  Outstanding user interface, solid
VT102/VT220 and Zmodem, lots of options, fast
screen output and scrollback buffer, scoll back
and log viewer, REXX scripting, named pipes and
countless other features. 

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