File index of PDN:Go Text Processing & formats

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1 19-07-2014 92 Kb. 12
Blackfriday Markdown processor implemented
in Go.  It is paranoid about its input (so
you can safely feed it user-supplied data),
it is fast, supports common extensions
(tables, smart punctuation substitutions,
etc.), it is safe for all utf-8 (unicode)
input.  HTML output supported, along with
Smartypants extensions.  An experimental
LaTeX output engine is also included. 
2 19-07-2014 137 Kb. 14
bluemonday is a HTML sanitizer implemented
in Go.  Fast & highly configurable.  Takes
untrusted user generated content as an
input, and will return HTML that has been
sanitised against a whitelist of approved
HTML elements and attributes so that you can
safely include the content in your web page.
If you accept user generated content, and
your server uses Go, you need bluemonday. 
3 19-07-2014 16 Kb. 12
Go Humans! (formatters for units to human
friendly sizes).  Just a few functions for
helping humanize times and sizes.
go-humanize [wraps] 

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