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51 03-05-2020 25443 Kb. 6
IDA - The Interactive Disassembler Pro Version
4.1.5 (OS/2). Copyright (c) 2000 by DataRescue.
IDA Pro is a disassembler. A disassembler is a
piece of software used to translate machine code
into a human readable format called assembly
language. IDA Pro is a debugger. A debugger is a
computer program that assists in the detection
and correction of errors in other computer
52 02-06-2019 109 Kb. 8
Imports: a utility to create a
list of source files for a
Modula-2 program.
Freeware, source included. 
53 20-07-2005 45 Kb. 11
(v3.10) IPFCPREP - IPF sources Preprocessor
Popular preprocessor for IPF sources,
including features such as macro support
(C alike symbols or Bookmaster macros),
conditional compile, includes and resolving
bitmpa file pathnames. This preprocessor
can be used for any other source format as
well, except for the bitmap filename
determination. See included INF file for
54 29-02-2004 660 Kb. 10
Irie Pascal 2.10 Evaluation Version. Irie Pascal
is an SO/IEC 7185 compatiable P-compiler/virtual
machine with extensions for string, file/folder
processing and database programming. Compiler
and VM also exist for Windows, Linux, BSD,
Solaris and DOS, all code written for one
platform runs under the VM on the other
platforms without any changes. Shareware. 
55 17-01-2017 160 Kb. 11
ITS Tool v2.0.2 for OS/2. Copyright (c)
2010-2013 Shaun McCance. ITS Tool allows you to
translate your XML documents with PO files,
using rules from the W3C Internationalization
Tag Set (ITS) to determine what to translate and
how to separate it into PO file messages.
Additional requirements: Python v2.7.2. 
56 26-01-2017 206 Kb. 9
JALV2 compiler version 2.4q6 for eComStation
(OS/2). This is a binary distribution of
JalV2ecs.exe only, built from the original
sources. Makefiles are included to rebuild the
executable from the original sources with Open
Watcom C/C++ compiler and utilities. The
complete original JalV2 compiler and associated
PIC specifications can be obtained from the
Homepage of JalV2 (see also the included file
Readme.OS2). Author: Rob Hamerling. 
57 12-04-2018 107 Kb. 11
Perforce Jam 2.6 OS/2 Port. Copyright 1993-2014
Christopher Seiwald and Perforce Software, Inc.
This is Release 2.6 of Jam, a make-like program. 
58 26-05-2010 712 Kb. 12
JWasm v2.02. Masm-compatible assembler. Portions
Copyright (c) 1992-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights
Reserved. Source code is available under the
Sybase Open Watcom Public License. JWasm is a
free MASM-compatible assembler with native
support for output formats Intel OMF, MS Coff
(32- and 64-bit), Elf (32-and 64-bit), Bin and
DOS MZ. JWasm is written in C. The source is
portable and has successfully been tested with
Open Watcom, MS VC, GCC and more. 
59 29-08-2002 68 Kb. 13
Kind Constructor v0.20 Praser/transducer
generator. Generates both parser and lexical
analyzer. Supports also generation of output
symbols and semantic actions. 
60 19-07-2020 251 Kb. 7
K DLL Archiver v1.3.0. Copyright (C) 2014-2020
KO Myung-Hun. Enhanced version of dllar.cmd.
Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6. 
61 05-11-2020 35 Kb. 5
"KEE" version 11. "KEE" is the "kernel execution
environment", a set of functions like kernel
mutexes and the like that you will need when you
write a multi-core compliant device driver.
KEE16 is a static library that contains thunking
code to call the 32-bit KEE API from a 16-bit
drive. Additional requirements: OS/2 Warp4 >
Fixpak13, eCS. Author: Lars Erdmann. 
62 29-08-2002 55 Kb. 13
Kind Transducer v0.20 Converts given text
according to given translational grammar. It can
be used also as a debugging tool for KindCons
63 10-12-2011 179 Kb. 10
LCD Image Converter. Tool to create image and
font source files for embedded applications.
This program allows you to create bitmaps and
fonts, and transform them to "C" source format.
Fonts and images are stored in xml format.
Conversion to result file is made with help of
xsl transformation. You can edit the xsl
templates to obtain any desired result format.
Additional requirements: Qt4 runtime, GCC
64 19-06-2005 265 Kb. 11
LGrind - a source pretty printer for LaTeX
Version 3.67. LGrind is a descendant of the Unix
utility vgrind. It is used to produce a
beautified version of your source code using
LaTeX. Unlike other packages this is not pure
TeX but an external preprocessor. 
65 07-09-2009 1124 Kb. 10
libidn v1.15 for OS/2. libidn v1.15 OS/2Libidn
is a package for internationalized string
handling based on the Stringprep, Punycode, IDNA
and TLD specifications.  Libidn is a GNUproject.
Read INSTALL for installation instructions, and
doc/libidn.* for the manual in various formats
(including Info, HTML, PostScript, and PDF). The
C library (libidn.a), C# library (Libidn.dll)
and Java library (libidn-*.jar) are licensed
under the GNU Lesser General Public License
version 2.1 or later. See the file COPYING.LIB. 
66 01-08-2005 1191 Kb. 11
LibUSB 0.1.10a. Library to enable user space
application programs to communicate with USB
devices. For OS/2 and eComStation. Its aim is to
create a library for use by user level
applications to access USB devices regardless of
OS. This library is for developers, if you are
an end user, it will be useless for you, except
for the test programs. You can use such programs
to check if your USB devices are recognized by
bus enumeration. 
67 02-01-2024 8975 Kb. 12
libxml2 v2.11.5. Libxml2 is the XML C parser and
toolkit developed for the Gnome project (but
usable outside of the Gnome platform), it is
free software available under the MIT License.
XML itself is a metalanguage to design markup
languages, i.e. textlanguage where semantic and
structure are added to the content using extra
"markup" information enclosed between angle
brackets. HTML is the most well-known markup
language. Though the library is written in C a
variety of language bindings make it available
in other environments. Additional requirements:
LIBCn v0.1.12. This port was done by: KO
68 27-03-2006 973 Kb. 11
libxslt version 1.1.15. This project is inteded
to support XML programming libraries on OS/2.
First the libxml2 and libxslt will be ported an
made available. A rexx library is under
construction as well. This is the latest libxslt
for OS/2. It requires libxml2 also available at
netlabs. It is compiled with GCC v3.3.5 CSD 1.
Due to the constructs used in the header files
VAC is not supported. 
69 25-04-2011 228 Kb. 11
LVM programmer's toolkit and documentation
(v1.5). This package contains the header &
library files needed to write programs using the
Logical Volume Manager Engine (LVM.DLL); also
contains sample programs and API documentation
in INF format. New in v1.4: documentation
updates and a fix for compatibility with non-IBM
70 08-04-2012 49 Kb. 12
lzlib v1.3 for OS/2. Lzlib is a data compression
library providing in-memory LZMA compression and
decompression functions, including integrity
checking of the uncompressed data. The
compressed data format used by the library is
the lzip format. Lzlip was written by Antonio
Diaz Diaz. Ported by Elbert Pol. 
71 14-01-2007 132 Kb. 7
M1L (Modula First Language) v0.1. M1L (Modula
First Language) is a Modula 2 (PIM only) to to
Object Pascal translator, output code is
compatible with Free Pascal/Turbo Pascal v7.
Contains executables for OS/2 and Windows.
72 27-01-2003 428 Kb. 12
PM Make V1.34 for OS/2. PM based make utility.
Probably the most comprehensive PM based make
program available, this product performs the
core functions of making, backup and restore, as
well as being totally tools independent. PM Make
can manage projects spread over directories,
split into myriad subdirectories, numerous
output files including several .exe, .inf, .hlp
etc. in one make. PM Make provides plugin dll's,
push button control of tools options, library
selection, selective backup, restore and more.
PM Make for OS/2 is now freeware. 
73 10-03-2003 1247 Kb. 10
Toolkit WarpMesaGL vers. alpha minus 1.4. Port
to OS/2 PM of Mesa by Brian Paul
( Mesa is a 3-D multyplatform
graphics library with an API which is very
similar to that of OpenGL. "WarpMesaGL" is
current work name for port of original Mesa. The
name "Mesa" in OS/2 is currently used for
electronic table, so "WarpMesaGL" is used to
eliminate misunderstanding. Original Mesa
version: 5.1 (c) Brian Paul. 
74 26-10-2006 1802 Kb. 11
SciTech Multi-platform Graphics Library Version
6.0 Release 23. In the fast-paced world of
software development, getting products completed
on time is the name of the game. Now, using
SciTech MGL, you can create interactive graphics
applications in the shortest amount of time.
This Multi-platform Graphics Library has been
used in the development of many leading titles
like WinQuake, Hexen II and many others. MGL
documentation in HTML format. 
75 26-10-2006 638 Kb. 10
SciTech Multi-platform Graphics Library Version
6.0 Release 23. In the fast-paced world of
software development, getting products completed
on time is the name of the game. Now, using
SciTech MGL, you can create interactive graphics
applications in the shortest amount of time.
This Multi-platform Graphics Library has been
used in the development of many leading titles
like WinQuake, Hexen II and many others. MGL
binary portable modules. 
76 26-10-2006 1489 Kb. 11
SciTech Multi-platform Graphics Library Version
6.0 Release 23. In the fast-paced world of
software development, getting products completed
on time is the name of the game. Now, using
SciTech MGL, you can create interactive graphics
applications in the shortest amount of time.
This Multi-platform Graphics Library has been
used in the development of many leading titles
like WinQuake, Hexen II and many others. Base
font and bitmap archive. 
77 26-10-2006 1443 Kb. 11
SciTech Multi-platform Graphics Library Version
6.0 Release 23. In the fast-paced world of
software development, getting products completed
on time is the name of the game. Now, using
SciTech MGL, you can create interactive graphics
applications in the shortest amount of time.
This Multi-platform Graphics Library has been
used in the development of many leading titles
like WinQuake, Hexen II and many others. MGL
documentation in Adobe PDF format. 
78 26-10-2006 4739 Kb. 9
SciTech Multi-platform Graphics Library Version
6.0 Release 23. In the fast-paced world of
software development, getting products completed
on time is the name of the game. Now, using
SciTech MGL, you can create interactive graphics
applications in the shortest amount of time.
This Multi-platform Graphics Library has been
used in the development of many leading titles
like WinQuake, Hexen II and many others. MGL
source archive in DOS/Win format 
79 26-10-2006 2601 Kb. 11
SciTech Multi-platform Graphics Library Version
6.0 Release 23. In the fast-paced world of
software development, getting products completed
on time is the name of the game. Now, using
SciTech MGL, you can create interactive graphics
applications in the shortest amount of time.
This Multi-platform Graphics Library has been
used in the development of many leading titles
like WinQuake, Hexen II and many others. Free
TrueType Font archive 2 
80 26-10-2006 7152 Kb. 10
SciTech Multi-platform Graphics Library Version
6.0 Release 23. In the fast-paced world of
software development, getting products completed
on time is the name of the game. Now, using
SciTech MGL, you can create interactive graphics
applications in the shortest amount of time.
This Multi-platform Graphics Library has been
used in the development of many leading titles
like WinQuake, Hexen II and many others. Free
TrueType Font archive 1 
81 01-07-2006 46 Kb. 12
(V1.00) mkflag - FREEWARE
There are many OS/2 tools (compilers,
linkers, resources, ect.) from different
vendors with many flags (option switchs) that
are short and easily misinterpetted. This
script is to document these flags in make
files and batch files.
Author: Greg Jarvis <> 
82 13-09-2023 68 Kb. 1
Operating System/2 Make Message File Utility
(MKMSGF) Clone Version 1.10. Author: Michael
83 09-08-2003 116 Kb. 10
A small script to create a MozTools WarpIN
archive. This short script, with the help of
sed, zip and WarpIN helps to create custom
MozTools archives to be used while compiling
Mozilla on OS/2. It most likely can be easily
adapted for creating other WarpIN archives. 
84 09-08-2003 1502 Kb. 13
Selected tools to create a proper Mozilla build
environment. A selection of tools from different
packages used to buildMozilla. These tools
include CVS, nsinstall, GNU bash, GNU Shell
utilities, GNU text utilities, GNU file
utilities, GNU diff, GNU grep, GNU awk, GNU m4,
GNU make (with file-handle fix), GNU sed, and
GNU regex. This package was created to simplify
building Mozilla as the build process requires
specific versions of these tools that are found
in a number of different archives. They are
bundled here for convenience and to help Mozilla
coders keep a consistant set of build tools. 
85 21-08-2008 447 Kb. 11
Mercurial v1.0.2 installation package (requires
EMX port of Python 2.4). A fast, lightweight
Source Control Management system designed for
efficient handling of very large distributed
projects. Mercurial  is one of several Source
Control Management systems that have been
developed using Python that are adapted for the
distributed development projects prevalent in
the open source community. Mercurial is
currently the SCMS used by the Mozilla team for
their projects. 
86 25-04-2005 39 Kb. 12
Manglais Message Compiler Version 1.01.
Copyright (c) 2004 Peter Koller, Maison Anglais.
All Rights Reserved. This is a simple set of
tools for using messages in your code. By using
the tools provided, you can replace all
instances of sprintf in your application with
sprintmsg. This gives a very neat way of
providing multi-lingual support, and because
it's open source, you can use the message files
on different operating systems. Supports all the
printf formatting characters. 
87 16-05-2010 2 Kb. 9
msgtool 0.1.0. msgtool is a multiplatform MSG
file "decompiler": it expects the MSG file as
parameter, writes the "decompiled" information
in the standard output and other information in
the standard error. Author: Salvador Parra
88 22-01-2019 2 Kb. 9
msgtool 0.1.0, patched. msgtool is a
multiplatform MSG file "decompiler": it expects
the MSG file as parameter, writes the
"decompiled" information in the standard output
and other information in the standard error.
Non-functional patches: improved non-FAT file
name parsing, check if file exists instead of
creating a new empty file. 
89 24-05-2010 9 Kb. 10
muStringConverter 0.2.0. muStringConverter is a
little GUI tool for conversion of strings from a
representation (binary, decimal, hexadecimal,
octal or ASCII) to another. Author: Salvador
Parra Camacho. 
90 20-01-2012 1915 Kb. 10
Dependent lib for Mozilla Cairo builds. A
developer package that combines Fontconfig and
FreeType into one package in such a way that it
should be easy to build a cairo-based Mozilla
build. May also be useful for other projects.
Updated to Freetype 2.4.4 and various other
91 28-01-2015 344 Kb. 10
NetWide Assembler (NASM) version 2.11.06.
Copyright 1996-2010 the NASM Authors - All
rights reserved. The Netwide Assembler, NASM, is
an 80x86 and x86-64 assembler designed for
portability and modularity. It supports a range
of object file formats, including Linux and BSD
a.out, ELF, COFF, Mach-O, Microsoft 16-bit OBJ,
Win32 and Win64. It will also output plain
binary files. Its syntax is designed to be
simple and easy to understand, similar to
Intel's but less complex. It supports all
currently known x86 architectural extensions,
and has strong support for macros. Additional
requirements: libc066.dll. 
92 29-10-2008 997 Kb. 9
NetWide Assembler (NASM) version 2.05.01
(extended documentation). The Netwide Assembler,
NASM, is an 80x86 and x86-64 assembler designed
for portability and modularity. It supports a
range of object file formats, including Linux
and *BSD a.out, ELF, COFF, Mach-O, Microsoft
16-bit OBJ, Win32 and Win64. It will also output
plain binary files. Its syntax is designed to be
simple and easy to understand, similar to
Intel's but less complex. It supports all
currently known x86 architectural extensions,
and has strong support for macros. 
93 12-01-2012 41 Kb. 11
terminfo for ncurses v5.9 for OS/2. 
94 25-01-2019 6246 Kb. 8
ncurses v6.6 for OS/2. The ncurses (new curses)
library is a free software emulation of curses
in System V Release 4.0, and more. It uses
terminfo format, supports pads and color and
multiple highlights and forms characters and
function-key mapping, and has all the other
SYSV-curses enhancements over BSD curses.
Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, TCP/IP. 
95 31-05-2010 749 Kb. 10
newLISP version 10.2.8. This is an unofficial
build of newLISP for OS/2 and eComStation.
newLISP is a Lisp-like, general-purpose
scripting language. It has all the magic of
traditional Lisp but is easier to learn and use.
newLISP is friendly, fast, and small. Most of
the functions you will ever need are already
built in. newLISP runs on most operating
systems. Additional requirements: kLIBC 0.6.3. 
96 26-02-1996 107 Kb. 7
NitrousBasic C Version 1.00.00 for 386/486/586.
(C) Interactive Telecommunication Systems 1996.
All Rights Reserved. Designed/Developed/Produced
by Adrian J. Michaud. NitrousBasic 1.0 Shareware
for OS/2. A Basic Interpreter/command ine
compiler that builds native 32-bit OS/2 EXEs.
DOS and Windows NT versions also available.
Complete source code available. Lots of sample
basic programs Included. 
97 24-12-2006 207 Kb. 11
(v1.07) NOSA Administrator - FREEWARE
The "OS/2 Netlabs Open Source Archive
Administrator" enables you to setup CVS
archives with a handful of batch commands.
NOSAADM takes care of setup of CVS,
initializing new archives, importing zip
files, adding keyword lines ($Id$) to all
known file types and adding security.
NOSAADM homepage:
98 25-01-2005 567 Kb. 10
This archive is a binary installation package
for the Numerical Python extension (aka NumPy),
v23.7. The binary extension package was built
from the NumPy source using the DistUtils script included in the distribution, on
the OS/2+EMX port of Python 2.4. Additional
requirements: EMX 0.9d runtime, Python 2.4. 
99 02-07-1996 2745 Kb. 10
ObjectPM 2.1c. This package contains the latest
32 bit version of the ObjectPM class libary for
OS/2 and the Presentation Manager. It contains
the libraries, include files, documentation and
sample source code. Version available for Free
for non-commercial software.  
100 24-09-2003 1732 Kb. 12
Object Pro for Virtual Pascal. Now that
TurboPower has left the business of making
libraries for programmers they have released
almost everything as Open Source. 

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