File index of GFD.APP: OS2 Terminal software page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 25-01-2009 169 Kb. 12
Whois v4.7.30 Command line WHOIS client
utility (Internet lookups). A command line
WHOIS client utility for checking domains
and IP address's in various whois databases
on the internet. This version has working
NLS and long option support (thanks to
Steven Levine). Req:OS/2
v4.xx and eComStation v1.x or higher. GCC
52 28-11-2018 1258 Kb. 8
Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for OS/2. Source 
53 23-02-2016 4 Kb. 10
Folder icon files for ZOC 

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